What’s this another 31 day challenge??

Good day all!!

So apparently my brain was not fully tested by 2 months of blog challenges…well either that or I am a little crazy…oh wait hang on a minute! Lol!

Any who..I borrowed/stole this idea from Jess Arnold who found the idea on pinterest… Yay pinterest!

Don’t get me wrong I know it says march 2013…but I fancied more of a lighter challenge this month


This was found via optimistic mommy. Creds to her.

So to the task at hand.

Good old self portrait, cant think of anything worse lol!


This is a photo I took a few months back…with my canon…who knew you could take a selfie with a huge camera ☺ that’s how I roll.
I quite like it, as picture’s of myself go its ok!

Now as you will know I shared 7 fun facts of me yesterday, so this should be fun thinking of 5 more eek!

1. To avoid the ginger comments from bullies in high school, I dyed my hair a variety of colours from pink to purple, green to black. Didn’t work still got bullied.

2. I used to be obsessed with the wizard of oz. Every time I visited my grandparents house I used to watch on VHS and dance around pretending to be Dorothy!

3. I don’t really like chocolate!! Sorry ladies! The way to my heart is via a bag or crisps…boring old original flavour nom!!

4. I have been singing since age 6 (minus any lessons) and quite fancied myself a west end performer! Woo jazz hands!! Even did performing arts in college ☺

5. Here’s one I haven’t mentioned, fave TV shows – big bang theory, call the midwife, the office us, great British bake off, strictly come dancing and one born every minute. Not very exciting I must admit but what the hey I am what I am lol!!

P.s here’s a sneaky one…my slightly odd celeb crush Tom Hanks. Normal celeb crush Johnny Depp. Who can’t I stand…Tom Cruise..again sorry ladies!

Hope you enjoyed more fun facts about moi!
If not sorry lol! :mrgreen:


5 thoughts on “What’s this another 31 day challenge??

  1. Charlotte! I loved reading your facts! Don’t ever cover up that gorgeous hair of yours! It’s beautiful, I have a younger sister named Charlotte who also is a beautiful freckled girl, and I think you are both lovely! Also I agree, Tom Hanks is a total hottie! 😉 can’t wait to follow your 31 days!


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